Joshua Tree National Park: White Checkered-Skipper (Burnsius albescens)
Joshua Tree National Park: Plant gone to seed
Joshua Tree National Park: Snow melting and water droplets
Joshua Tree National Park: Animal tracks in the sand near Quail Springs
Joshua Tree National Park: Animal tracks in the sand near Quail Springs
Joshua Tree National Park: Snow on a pinyon pine trunk near Keys View
Joshua Tree National Park: Snow on a pinyon pine trunk near Keys View
Joshua Tree National Park: Joshua tree bark
Joshua Tree National Park: White sage (Salvia apiana)
Joshua Tree National Park: Water droplets on a sign at the Oasis of Mara
Joshua Tree National Park: Bladderpod (Peritoma arborea) at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Water droplets on a honey mesquite frond (Prosopis glandulosa)
Joshua Tree National Park: Red spotted toad (anaxyrus punctatus)
Joshua Tree National Park: Red spotted toad (anaxyrus punctatus)
Joshua Tree National Park: Bee atop California buckwheat (eriogonum fasciculatum)
Joshua Tree National Park: Paperbag bush (Scutellaria mexicana)
Joshua Tree National Park: California bluebell (Phacelia campanularia) in the Cottonwood area
Joshua Tree National Park: California bluebell (Phacelia campanularia) in the Cottonwood area
Joshua Tree National Park: Brittlebrush (Encelia farinosa)
Joshua Tree National Park: Oak leaf galls along Willow Hole trail