Joshua Tree National Park: Geo-kinetic sculpture; Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Minerva Hoyt Mural; Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Oasis Visitor Center; Twentynine Palms, CA
Joshua Tree National Park: Oasis Visitor Center; Twentynine Palms, CA
Joshua Tree National Park: Oasis Visitor Center; Twentynine Palms, CA
Joshua Tree National Park: Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers Offering Information to Park Staff and the Public
Joshua Tree National Park: Gopher snake (Pituophis catenifer deserticola) climbing California fan palm at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) at Oasis Visitor Center in Twentynine Palms
Joshua Tree National Park: Joshua Tree National Park 2017 Annual Pass
Joshua Tree National Park: Visitors in Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Potted plants at Native Plant Nursery
Joshua Tree National Park: Clouds over Oasis with wayside-1
Joshua Tree National Park: Guitarist practicing at Oasis of Mara
Joshua Tree National Park: Kids running at the Oasis of Mara
Joshua Tree National Park: Park Ranger at work
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Juvenile gopher snake at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Common side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Common side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) at Oasis Visitor Center
Joshua Tree National Park: Common side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) at Oasis Visitor Center