shootin life: Fish storage tanks
shootin life: Captured lake sturgeon
shootin life: Ultrasound on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Ultrasound on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Surgery on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Surgery on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Surgery on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Surgery on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Surgery on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Surgery on lake sturgeon
shootin life: Transport of lake sturgeon
shootin life: Release of lake sturgeon
shootin life: Release of lake sturgeon
shootin life: Release of lake sturgeon
shootin life: Release of lake sturgeon
shootin life: Downstream passage structure
shootin life: Downstream release from elevator
shootin life: Fish elevator
shootin life: Fish holding tank
shootin life: Fish holding tank
shootin life: Captured lake sturgeon
shootin life: Radio tracking lake sturgeon
shootin life: Park Mill Dam
shootin life: Menominee Dam spillway
shootin life: Radio tracking lake sturgeon
shootin life: Downstream fish passage structure
shootin life: Downstream release from elevator