shootin life: Wisconsin River fyke net survey
shootin life: Wisconsin River fyke net survey
shootin life: Wisconsin River fyke net survey
shootin life: Scanning walleye for PIT tag
shootin life: PIT tagging a walleye
shootin life: Common carp
shootin life: Measuring walleye length
shootin life: Removing spine from walleye for ageing
shootin life: Scanning walleye for PIT tag
shootin life: Young biologist
shootin life: Black crappie
shootin life: Wisconsin River fyke net survey
shootin life: White sucker
shootin life: Releasing common carp
shootin life: Biggest catch of the day
shootin life: Boat coming back
shootin life: Young of year (age-0) walleye
shootin life: Young biologist
shootin life: Young yellow perch