shootin life: Electrofishing Cape Fear River
shootin life: Electrofishing Cape Fear River
shootin life: Stunned striped mullet
shootin life: Releasing tagged striped bass
shootin life: Suturing tagged striped bass
shootin life: Suturing tagged striped bass
shootin life: juvenile white ibis
shootin life: juvenile white ibis
shootin life: Tagged striped bass
shootin life: Releasing tagged striped bass
shootin life: Electrofishing
shootin life: Electrofishing
shootin life: Sedation of striped bass
shootin life: Releasing tagged striped bass
shootin life: Incision and tag implantion into striped bass
shootin life: Suturing striped bass
shootin life: Suturing striped bass
shootin life: Suturing striped bass
shootin life: Sutured striped bass
shootin life: Suturing striped bass
shootin life: Recovering tagged striped bass
shootin life: Released tagged striped bass
shootin life: Released tagged striped bass
shootin life: American shad
shootin life: American shad
shootin life: releasing tagged American shad
shootin life: black crappie
shootin life: Rock arch rapids
shootin life: Rock arch rapids
shootin life: Rock arch rapids