josh riggs: Leaving Orlando
josh riggs: Please don't get lost
josh riggs: Off to a reassuring start at Chicago Midway Airport
josh riggs: Top of the Tribune Building
josh riggs: DSC_1118
josh riggs: Front door at the Tribune Building
josh riggs: From the outside wall of the Tribune Building
josh riggs: Foggy view from my room on the 26th floor
josh riggs: Foggy skyline from Illinois Street
josh riggs: Cornbread!
josh riggs: The ice is melting
josh riggs: Morning fog
josh riggs: Metropolis
josh riggs: Metropolis upside down
josh riggs: Illinois Street skyline at night
josh riggs: Chrisshizzle's so metal
josh riggs: Thomas @ Rockit Lounge
josh riggs: Drank list
josh riggs: Tucker, the Marlboro Man
josh riggs: Candles @ The Rockit
josh riggs: Craft beer on a wood table
josh riggs: Gareth eating Bokeh
josh riggs: Sweet tea, v1
josh riggs: sSweat tea, v2
josh riggs: Tucker reading the dirtiest Bible verse.
josh riggs: Old Vs. New. Trump Vs. The world.
josh riggs: Found cup of coffee
josh riggs: Obligatory tourist snapshot
josh riggs: I almost deleted this photo
josh riggs: Love the name of this bar...