*jos*: sweetness
*jos*: bark
*jos*: it's nice to be in the meadows
*jos*: instant shot
*jos*: happy dog
*jos*: proud'n'beauty
*jos*: b(eauty)uia
*jos*: wuff
*jos*: two months ago
*jos*: discovering the word
*jos*: woff!
*jos*: i'm so serious
*jos*: i'm so tired
*jos*: buia ferox
*jos*: relax
*jos*: modestamente... ho un profilo da star
*jos*: i want introduce you...
*jos*: sweet molosser
*jos*: wet dog
*jos*: what?
*jos*: puppy
*jos*: the dog on the mountain
*jos*: flies hunting in sunset light
*jos*: buia
*jos*: bat dog
*jos*: buia in the snow w/o diamond
*jos*: there's someone coming on
*jos*: snow molosser
*jos*: walross-dog
*jos*: ears to the wind