joshleo: Bad Flavor
joshleo: Sammich Cat
joshleo: Cat Dentist
joshleo: Floss Pleez
joshleo: Drawer Cat
joshleo: Winnie and I
joshleo: Find Winnie
joshleo: Winnies new Bed
joshleo: Winnie Chilling on the Chair
joshleo: Winnie Sitting
joshleo: Winnie Chilling on the Couch
joshleo: Winnie's Stitches
joshleo: Skinny Winnie
joshleo: Winnie Relaxing
joshleo: Winnie Between the Windows
joshleo: Josh and Winnie Cooper Napping
joshleo: Curious Winnie Cooper
joshleo: Winnie Cooper in Windowsill
joshleo: Winnie Cooper Close-up
joshleo: New Kitten
joshleo: Squinting Jerry
joshleo: Scariest Cat Ever!
joshleo: Pseudo and Trouble
joshleo: IMG_0648.JPG
joshleo: IMG_0639.JPG
joshleo: IMG_0638.JPG
joshleo: jerry sitting
joshleo: curious jerry
joshleo: Jerry on the video stuff - 3
joshleo: Jerry gets ridden - 1