Josh Fecteau:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo YBCU (Sanford, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Red-bellied Woodpecker RBWO (Portland, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Dickcissel DICK (Saco, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Wilson's Storm-Petrel WSPE (Gulf of Maine)
Josh Fecteau:
Red-eyed Vireo REVI (Wells, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Wilson's Storm-Petrel WSPE (Biddeford Pool, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Bobolink BOBO (Kennebunk, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Juvenile Thrush (Kennebunkport, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Gray Catbird GRCA (Wells, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Red-eyed Vireo REVI (Saco, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Nest of Canada Goose CANG
Josh Fecteau:
Sandhill Cranes SACR (Belgrade, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Bohemian Waxwing BOWA (York, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Wilson's Snipe WISN (Kennebunkport, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Pied-billed Grebe PBGR (Wells, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Bohemian Waxwings BOWA (Wells, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Common Redpoll CORE (Kennebunkport, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Red-winged Blackbird RWBL (Biddeford, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Common Loon COLO (Kennebunk, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Ruffed Grouse RUGR (Kennebunk, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Cedar Waxwing CEDW (Biddeford, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Rock Pigeon ROPI (Wells, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet RCKI (Saco, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Horned Lark HOLA (Kennebunkport, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Common Raven CORA (Bowdoin, ME)
Josh Fecteau:
Northern Shrike NSHR (Wells, ME)