JoshEEE: Frog Pot
JoshEEE: Stone
JoshEEE: Flowers
JoshEEE: 0phone 0018.jpg
JoshEEE: 0phone 0020.jpg
JoshEEE: Flower Power
JoshEEE: Nice Sunset
JoshEEE: Loch Ness Monster!
JoshEEE: Snow Day
JoshEEE: Roadside stop
JoshEEE: Vasquez Rocks
JoshEEE: From the top of the mountain
JoshEEE: Snowy Sunrise
JoshEEE: Trouble on Mercer Island
JoshEEE: sunshine
JoshEEE: Squirrel Melt?
JoshEEE: I don't think so buddy!
JoshEEE: Deck flowers
JoshEEE: Beach flowers
JoshEEE: Arboretum
JoshEEE: At the arboretum
JoshEEE: Leaves falling
JoshEEE: Heather and the biggest leaf ever
JoshEEE: Sunset off the deck
JoshEEE: Fire in the sky
JoshEEE: December Sunset
JoshEEE: How many inches?
JoshEEE: Only in Bellevue
JoshEEE: Crazy Hail storm
JoshEEE: Where your coffee comes from