Josh Ellingson: Pretty Princess
Josh Ellingson: Beetlejuice costumes
Josh Ellingson: Yip yips
Josh Ellingson: It's Boy
Josh Ellingson: morning at the DTLA art loft
Josh Ellingson: Tyler's place
Josh Ellingson: Double Double
Josh Ellingson: Stolen from LAX bar
Josh Ellingson: Grande Cap
Josh Ellingson: Iron Man and Jubilee
Josh Ellingson: IMG_6147
Josh Ellingson: Custom Vamp baby
Josh Ellingson: Temp set-up waiting for bags to arrive
Josh Ellingson: My table in Artist Alley
Josh Ellingson: Drunk Tweet paintings
Josh Ellingson: Bear Guy
Josh Ellingson: Richard from Museum of Robots
Josh Ellingson: My Fat Wonder Woman display
Josh Ellingson: Drunk Tweet Sketching
Josh Ellingson: My Garamon Painting at Coop's place
Josh Ellingson: Fashion District, DTLA
Josh Ellingson: Fashion District, DTLA