Josh Ellingson: Kitchen Chaos
Josh Ellingson: Simone's dad gave us the bird.
Josh Ellingson: Thanksgiving table with Dave and Simone's family
Josh Ellingson: ...with a silver spoon in her mouth
Josh Ellingson: At the kiddie table
Josh Ellingson: Yoda and Pie
Josh Ellingson: This was the most comfortable I've been in a while...
Josh Ellingson: Emma Danger found the Whip Cream
Josh Ellingson: Emma Danger Found the Whip Cream, Video
Josh Ellingson: Solo in the Robogames machine shop
Josh Ellingson: Robots in waiting
Josh Ellingson: Salacious
Josh Ellingson: Upside Down Emma Danger with Daddy Calkins
Josh Ellingson: IMG_0100
Josh Ellingson: Simone and Emma Danger
Josh Ellingson: Robogames Candy Box
Josh Ellingson: Watto you lookin' at??
Josh Ellingson: Clown in the Machine Shop
Josh Ellingson: Wires in the Machine Shop
Josh Ellingson: Bipedal Robots in the Machine Shop
Josh Ellingson: Vlad the Combat Robot
Josh Ellingson: Racks of Bots
Josh Ellingson: Me, Beer, and Tiny Dog
Josh Ellingson: After Thanksgiving Dinner @Robogames HQ
Josh Ellingson: Calkins gives the tour of Hawk Hill
Josh Ellingson: Nature in Mill Valley - Garden Spider
Josh Ellingson: Nature in Mill Valley - Red Headed Woodpecker
Josh Ellingson: Tiny Dog, Fugu