JR Garcia: Fiesta de la espuma - Foam Party
JR Garcia: Huevos - Eggs
JR Garcia: Letters on a wooden door.
JR Garcia: Kids Paintings
JR Garcia: ---|-
JR Garcia: Carnestoltes de Mollet
JR Garcia: Fulles i cel
JR Garcia: Triptic
JR Garcia: It's light, my noise
JR Garcia: Speed Limit
JR Garcia: Encaixada - Handshake
JR Garcia: Bagul - Trunk
JR Garcia: Mons de plàstic - Plastic worlds
JR Garcia: Contrallum - Backlighting
JR Garcia: Blues
JR Garcia: New world
JR Garcia: Calçotada
JR Garcia: Bakuyé
JR Garcia: El sol d'un mati d'hivern - Sun of a winter morning
JR Garcia: Carnaval 2012
JR Garcia: Flama - Flame
JR Garcia: A bit of spring - Una mica de primavera
JR Garcia: Circus
JR Garcia: Dissabte al matí, Saturday Morning
JR Garcia: Punks
JR Garcia: Ombres de tardor / Autumn Shadows
JR Garcia: Red