josephtravers: Vanessa Brazeau and Layne Hinton of ArtSpin with their Toronto Bike Award. #biketo
josephtravers: Ainsley Naylor and Geoffrey Bercarich of BikePirates with their Bike Friendly Business Award
josephtravers: At the Gladstone for the Toronto Bike Awards #BikeTO
josephtravers: Transportation Colours #BikeTO
josephtravers: University & College
josephtravers: Don't Lick the Screw Studded Tires, at the IceBike Races. Dufferin Grove Park.
josephtravers: What's a party without pushbike races? Not. A. Party. :)
josephtravers: I use my own bike way less in the winter, but use Bixi way more! #BikeTO
josephtravers: Bixi still super-popular at Bay & College. That 1 bike was out-of-service. :( #BikeTO
josephtravers: Super impressed by these ladies wearing skirts in -16C weather. Hardcore #BikeTO, Rock On! :)
josephtravers: Way back in 2006 I designed the I Bike T.O. logo and shirts, and I came across an awesome variation today! :) #biketo