josecdimas: Statue at Plaza Francia
josecdimas: Plaza Francia
josecdimas: Hommage
josecdimas: Pidgeon on the wings
josecdimas: Christine for scale
josecdimas: Statue at Museo Nacional de Bella Artes
josecdimas: Argentinian traffic
josecdimas: Facultad de Derecho y Ciencas Sociales
josecdimas: Christine looking great on the bridge
josecdimas: im pretty cool
josecdimas: Parrots on the lights
josecdimas: The Floralis Generica at Plaza Naciones Unidas
josecdimas: Hanging out at the Plaza Naciones Unidas
josecdimas: the Parrot and the Pidgeon
josecdimas: The Floralis Generica
josecdimas: The Floralis Generica against the sky
josecdimas: The Floralis Generica B&W
josecdimas: Against the sky
josecdimas: Another soldiers tomb
josecdimas: Corner tomb. I didnt know this existed._
josecdimas: Eerie
josecdimas: Father Fahy
josecdimas: Find the bird
josecdimas: General Jose Piran
josecdimas: hallway of tombs
josecdimas: interesting tomb
josecdimas: Jesus is always watching
josecdimas: one of the many Generals_
josecdimas: Ramon Santamaria
josecdimas: Solder's tomb