josecdimas: the Alps
josecdimas: Salzburg breakfast
josecdimas: great breakfast setting
josecdimas: Looking over her shoulder
josecdimas: Salzburg baner
josecdimas: Land title-
josecdimas: Room with a view
josecdimas: Taking it all in
josecdimas: Breath taking view
josecdimas: A Nice Stream
josecdimas: A walking tunnel
josecdimas: Drummers in action
josecdimas: Drummers for the runners
josecdimas: Runner appreciates the support
josecdimas: Salzburg roofs
josecdimas: Walking up
josecdimas: Small garden
josecdimas: the View
josecdimas: the Alps and I
josecdimas: the Alps continues
josecdimas: the City of Salzburg
josecdimas: Christine and the Alps
josecdimas: What a view
josecdimas: Looking into the distant
josecdimas: The Alps from the Castle
josecdimas: Christine
josecdimas: Salzburg from the Castle
josecdimas: Salzburg from the Castle again
josecdimas: Looking up
josecdimas: Dark Statue