Jose C Silva: Oh, San Francisco Public Library
Jose C Silva: The first 24 slides in a lecturette
Jose C Silva: After Merlin Mann's Inbox Zero
Jose C Silva: The real reason business school professors are paid more than other professors (generally speaking)
Jose C Silva: Adjusting photos for use in presentations
Jose C Silva: My take on why Gelman and Stern don't like significance arguments
Jose C Silva: Serendipity: from a tweet to a free Number Theory book
Jose C Silva: San Francisco Chronicle w/ Show Me Kittens
Jose C Silva: How to read a book: with copious note-taking and marking
Jose C Silva: A Frasier screenshot to make a point on my blog
Jose C Silva: Dressing up for staying at home
Jose C Silva: Being a bit limited, aren't we?
Jose C Silva: Another Frasier screen shot for a blog post
Jose C Silva: Yet another Frasier screen shot for my blog
Jose C Silva: Dumb recommendation
Jose C Silva: Will your intellectual creations survive 900 years?
Jose C Silva: Considering the purchase of Tron Legacy Soundtrack
Jose C Silva: Screencap for blog post about Top Gear
Jose C Silva: Screencap for blog post about Top Gear
Jose C Silva: Screencap for blog post about Top Gear
Jose C Silva: Figure for blog post on cooperation
Jose C Silva: Figure for blog post on cooperation
Jose C Silva: Figure for blog post on cooperation
Jose C Silva: Figure for blog post on cooperation
Jose C Silva: Figure for blog post on cooperation
Jose C Silva: Figure for blog post on cooperation
Jose C Silva: Graph for blog post
Jose C Silva: Screencap for blog post on impulse purchases
Jose C Silva: Cheese is expensive!
Jose C Silva: Tibor Machan's Kindle Books have high price variance