jose_abc: your color's fading...
jose_abc: winter fog...
jose_abc: into the unknown...
jose_abc: the long bridge over the river...
jose_abc: under the traveling road...
jose_abc: I'm watching you...
jose_abc: don't even think about it my friend...
jose_abc: winter wind blow...
jose_abc: forest of winter light...
jose_abc: Montgomery covered bridge...
jose_abc: nature endormie...
jose_abc: what are you looking at ?..
jose_abc: au bout de la fin...
jose_abc: kiamika...
jose_abc: no change, I can change...
jose_abc: the drifter...
jose_abc: ma cabane sur le lac...
jose_abc: Por qué...
jose_abc: the shadow surfer...
jose_abc: splash on the rocks...
jose_abc: je suis venu, j'ai vu, j'ai vaincu...
jose_abc: to surf with class...
jose_abc: the end of a fishing day...
jose_abc: grandiose...
jose_abc: look at me, I am old, but I'm happy...
jose_abc: surf day has ended...
jose_abc: la pointe...
jose_abc: divine night light...
jose_abc: steps of light...
jose_abc: lightning rail...