joschmoblo: #042 / 365 - dome-y
joschmoblo: directions .. signs at 4th street live in louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: the ceiling at 4th Street Live in Louisville, Kentucky
joschmoblo: #041 / 365 - hard rock cafe down at 4th Street Live in Louisville, Kentucky
joschmoblo: bowl .. no more .. Lucky Strike at 4th Street Live in Louisville, Kentucky
joschmoblo: #040 / 365 .. more night bokeh
joschmoblo: seventh and nothing ..
joschmoblo: now i have no title .. :P
joschmoblo: #039 / 365 - tentacles .. government building in louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: #038 / 365 .. pitchfork-y .. the louisville water tower on zorn avenue
joschmoblo: #037 / 365 - bridges, buildings, and planes .. standing on the 2nd street bridge and looking towards louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: #036 / 365 redness at the university of louisville
joschmoblo: #033 / 365 .. proof on main
joschmoblo: proof and ice in louisville
joschmoblo: watch your feet .. proof on main
joschmoblo: main street in louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: humana building in louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: heading back in .. from the belvedere looking into downtown louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: sun flare on the belvedere
joschmoblo: snowy belvedere in louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: sun and snow on the belvedere in louisville
joschmoblo: snowy scene .. still .. louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: in the distance .. at the belvedere in louisville, kentucky
joschmoblo: Freedom Hall
joschmoblo: #027 / 365 .. ice & snow
joschmoblo: #025 / 365 .. bellarmine
joschmoblo: #023 / 365 .. yang KEE
joschmoblo: #022 / 365
joschmoblo: #021 / 365 .. city night lights
joschmoblo: AM in the city