jos arents: sunset at the beach
jos arents: Sunrise Reeuwijk
jos arents: Boswachterij Staphorst
jos arents: morning on the lake
jos arents: ijsschoteltjes
jos arents: Oukoopse_molen
jos arents: mill Haastrecht
jos arents: Daslook_Allium ursinum_Wild garlic
jos arents: Suillia species
jos arents: back home
jos arents: Clematis
jos arents: polder near Haastrecht
jos arents: Weegbree_plantago
jos arents: Along the river
jos arents: Houtpantserjuffer_Chalcolestes viridis
jos arents: hondenweer
jos arents: agapanthus still flowering
jos arents: Foggy morning 02
jos arents: ribes
jos arents: bruin zandoogje
jos arents: high-voltage pylon
jos arents: Stemonitis spec._ netpluimpje
jos arents: grauwgroene hertenzwam met vlieg
jos arents: hortensia
jos arents: on the road