centeno: Welcome to Tajikistan
centeno: Pamir Highway
centeno: First night in Tajikistan
centeno: Karakul tap water
centeno: Sand storm near Karakul
centeno: Tank betweem Karakul and Murghab
centeno: Hello? Anybody here?
centeno: Kid near Muzkol
centeno: Kid near Muzkol
centeno: Lonely rough road tra-la-la
centeno: Ak-Baital Pass
centeno: Top of the pass
centeno: Rubbish food break
centeno: Pamir Highway
centeno: Pamir plateau
centeno: Sign for Chechetki
centeno: Murgab
centeno: Murgab
centeno: Donkeys on the Alichur plain
centeno: Kyrgysz man near Neyzatash Pass
centeno: Typical stove
centeno: Kyrgysz girl near Alichur
centeno: Food break
centeno: Marco Polo Homestay
centeno: More windswept desolation
centeno: Izaskun and Eduardo
centeno: Near Jelandy, greenery!
centeno: Pamirians
centeno: Gunt Valley
centeno: Afghan market, Khorog