centeno: Babushkin train station
centeno: Babushkin
centeno: Babushkin, Soviet car
centeno: Nie rabote
centeno: Babushkin, lake Baikal
centeno: Babushkin, lake Baikal
centeno: End of the line
centeno: Babushkin, lake Baikal
centeno: Babushkin train station
centeno: Babushkin train station
centeno: My room for the night, Babushkin
centeno: Babushkin, lake Baikal
centeno: Lake Baikal
centeno: Lake Baikal
centeno: Cooking in Baikal
centeno: Bus stop in Buriatya
centeno: Baikal in the autumn
centeno: Baikal in the autumn
centeno: Near Kabansk, Buriatya
centeno: This family hosted me for the night near Kabansk, Buriatya
centeno: Transiberian train
centeno: Mongol rally car going back to London (after being refused)
centeno: Icy night near Ulan Ude
centeno: Near Ulan Ude, river Selenga
centeno: Ulan Ude
centeno: Ulan Ude
centeno: Sveta, she offered me to stay at her house a cold night in Buriatya
centeno: Near Altanbulag, border with Russia
centeno: Tov
centeno: Tov