Truch_07: Noia_del_Mar
Truch_07: nusos
Truch_07: Reina_Cupula
Truch_07: Guardian of Atlantis
Truch_07: Dona Còsmica / cosmic woman
Truch_07: #40 Lady Column
Truch_07: Fulles de pedra / Hojas de Piedra / Stone leaves
Truch_07: Pedra dibuixada / Piedra y dibujos / Stone and drawings
Truch_07: Reina Cúpula II
Truch_07: l'àngel del parc / angel of the garden
Truch_07: Saxo
Truch_07: Infant i Aigua / Playing in water
Truch_07: Exp.#03 - desmais florits / sauces en flor / willows in flower
Truch_07: Peix / Pez / fish
Truch_07: mushrooms
Truch_07: Tree and truch shadows
Truch_07: you & me
Truch_07: Water_Sun
Truch_07: Egyptian Duck
Truch_07: family Roots
Truch_07: Escala de cargol / spiral staircase
Truch_07: gotes de pluja / raindrops
Truch_07: volums a la nit // Old city at night
Truch_07: Paparazzis
Truch_07: Garita / Sentry box
Truch_07: pont d'arcs / bridge with arcs
Truch_07: loading water
Truch_07: pedra del sol / the stone of the sun
Truch_07: Tasses / coffee cups
Truch_07: Caracola / conch