Jordan Oplinger: David Pierce: leader, hero, friend.
Jordan Oplinger: Pierce does SF
Jordan Oplinger: Ready to go.
Jordan Oplinger: Zach awaits I/O
Jordan Oplinger: Billy Disney preps for This Is My Next
Jordan Oplinger: Dan and Dieter bond over Trello cards
Jordan Oplinger: these guys
Jordan Oplinger: Series wrap on Bryan Bishop
Jordan Oplinger: . @piercedavid @thedextriarchy and @A_Webster, liveblog ready.
Jordan Oplinger: David Pierce
Jordan Oplinger: Walkin' the walk.
Jordan Oplinger: Packing up.
Jordan Oplinger: Billy and Zach
Jordan Oplinger: Behind the scenes at Foursquare
Jordan Oplinger: He's back.
Jordan Oplinger: Sam Sheffer