Air_Jordan1: Camel Guard at Giza
Air_Jordan1: Giza Pyramids
Air_Jordan1: Sphinx and Giza pyramid
Air_Jordan1: Head of the Sphinx
Air_Jordan1: Camels at the Step Pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt
Air_Jordan1: The "Red" pyramid Dashur, Egpyt
Air_Jordan1: Mosque and Citadel in Cairo
Air_Jordan1: Me at the Mosque
Air_Jordan1: Cairo fruit stand
Air_Jordan1: Meat Market
Air_Jordan1: Cairo Market
Air_Jordan1: Karnac temple ruins in Luxor
Air_Jordan1: Statue of Rames II at Luxor Temple
Air_Jordan1: Boat captain in Horgata on the Red Sea
Air_Jordan1: Red Sea boat ride
Air_Jordan1: Woman with Donkey and Goat in Hurgata
Air_Jordan1: Goat Girl in Hurgata
Air_Jordan1: Woman with Donkey and Goat in Hurgata
Air_Jordan1: Cairo pyramids
Air_Jordan1: Me and the Sphinx