Jorchet: Chillin' out - Relajándose
Jorchet: Beggar - Mendigo
Jorchet: Nap time! Hora de la siesta!
Jorchet: Taking a nap - Siesta
Jorchet: A Dog's Life - Vida de Perro
Jorchet: hihi! Tiny Laughter - jiji!
Jorchet: Da King! El Rey!
Jorchet: Howling - Aullando
Jorchet: Attention - Atención
Jorchet: Tight - Apretado
Jorchet: Searching for the light - Buscando la luz
Jorchet: Stringy - Cuerda
Jorchet: Almost an angel with that halo - Casi un ángel con ese halo
Jorchet: Puppy Love
Jorchet: Give a little whistle - Dame un silbidito
Jorchet: Summer tent - Carpa de verano
Jorchet: Fixed Eyes - Ojos fijos
Jorchet: Yaco
Jorchet: Tiny Pup - Pequeñín
Jorchet: The Puppy - El Cachorro
Jorchet: Bite more than you can chew
Jorchet: Snow in Buenos Aires
Jorchet: Snow in Buenos Aires
Jorchet: Snow in Buenos Aires
Jorchet: Yaco bombón!
Jorchet: He squeezes aaaaanywhere!/ Siempre apretujado!
Jorchet: He squeezes aaaaanywhere!/ Siempre apretujado!
Jorchet: A Yaco for all weathers / Yaco todo terreno
Jorchet: A Yaco for all weathers / Yaco todo terreno
Jorchet: Yaco punk rocker