Schmalfi: Farm in Hilversum
Schmalfi: Early morning sun
Schmalfi: Frozen leaves
Schmalfi: Morning in the Hei
Schmalfi: Morning light by the tree
Schmalfi: An empty collar on fence
Schmalfi: Sheep Hearder
Schmalfi: Sheep Hearder bw
Schmalfi: Posbank pt 2
Schmalfi: Posbank
Schmalfi: mushrooms on the tree
Schmalfi: Biking through Groeneveld
Schmalfi: Grounds at Kasteel Groeneveld
Schmalfi: Grounds at Kasteel Groeneveld
Schmalfi: Soft Roadside (zachte berm)
Schmalfi: Somewhere in Drenthe
Schmalfi: Somewhere in Drenthe
Schmalfi: A walk in Drenthe
Schmalfi: At the beach - Ijmuiden
Schmalfi: At the beach - Ijmuiden
Schmalfi: At the beach - Ijmuiden
Schmalfi: At the beach - Ijmuiden
Schmalfi: At the beach - Ijmuiden
Schmalfi: At the beach - Ijmuiden