jophan: IMG_6479.JPG
jophan: IMG_6478.JPG
jophan: IMG_6477.JPG
jophan: IMG_6476.JPG
jophan: Exposed belly
jophan: IMG_5441.JPG
jophan: IMG_5440.JPG
jophan: Having a good time
jophan: Matte, katt och dator
jophan: Warm, cosy and safe
jophan: IMG_5194.JPG
jophan: Cushioned cat
jophan: Fooood!
jophan: Cassandra i kattgropen
jophan: IMG_3456.JPG
jophan: Paper guardian
jophan: IMG_3453.JPG
jophan: Carpet scratching
jophan: Pillow cat
jophan: IMG_1985
jophan: Night cat
jophan: Bonadea 20.07.2000--06.07.2010
jophan: Yes, you!
jophan: Black and proud
jophan: Meow!
jophan: Jungle cat
jophan: IMG_5121
jophan: In the window