badkneeclub: Not so common blue. Mrs Holly Blue again. I think
badkneeclub: Osteospermum
badkneeclub: Purple tulips
badkneeclub: Spikey Tulip
badkneeclub: snake's head fritillary
badkneeclub: Snakes head frilly thingy again
badkneeclub: All forgotten
badkneeclub: Misty pinks
badkneeclub: Tadpole soup
badkneeclub: In a tulip
badkneeclub: Up and Under
badkneeclub: Fishing for tulips
badkneeclub: View from the fish
badkneeclub: Tall daffs
badkneeclub: Perfect blue sky
badkneeclub: Land of the daffs
badkneeclub: Looking skywards
badkneeclub: One eyed lookout
badkneeclub: Narcissus pseudonarcissus
badkneeclub: from behind
badkneeclub: All about the blossom
badkneeclub: On looker
badkneeclub: Appropriately dressed
badkneeclub: In the pink
badkneeclub: Raggedy Anne
badkneeclub: I'm one of the different kind
badkneeclub: Lots of different kinds of tulips
badkneeclub: And Purple