MrQueasy: Safari Park Main Gate
MrQueasy: You're On My List!
MrQueasy: Run away!
MrQueasy: Bird on a Rock
MrQueasy: Kassandra is having so much fun!
MrQueasy: Ugly babies!
MrQueasy: Lazy, good for nothing geese.
MrQueasy: Bat-Joan
MrQueasy: Bat-Grant
MrQueasy: Bat-Jessica and Bat-Kassandra
MrQueasy: Ugly chick
MrQueasy: Jessica Smiles Despite the Birds
MrQueasy: Birds are Mean
MrQueasy: Go away, Lorakeets
MrQueasy: Lorakeet Secrets
MrQueasy: Lorakeet Love
MrQueasy: Gorilla gets the paper
MrQueasy: Baby and mother gorilla
MrQueasy: Lazy Gorilla
MrQueasy: ugly flower
MrQueasy: Jessica/Gorilla Comparison
MrQueasy: James/Gorilla Comparison
MrQueasy: Dad/Gorilla Comparison
MrQueasy: Dad/Gorilla Comparison (Recrop)
MrQueasy: Kassandra/Gorilla Comparison
MrQueasy: Amphitheater Awning and Dove
MrQueasy: The Three Stooges
MrQueasy: Secretary Bird Stamps
MrQueasy: Hangin' In There
MrQueasy: Covered in Beeeeeees