Jonathan Saull: Connected
Jonathan Saull: The bond
Jonathan Saull: Summer stroll
Jonathan Saull: "Roy; A Suffolk Punch with long reins.
Jonathan Saull: Learning the reins
Jonathan Saull: Suffolk Punch "Roy" of Hawthorn Heavy Horses.
Jonathan Saull: Clearing the course for the Racers
Jonathan Saull: The Ladies Race
Jonathan Saull: Clearing the fence
Jonathan Saull: Bally Wall
Jonathan Saull: "Fabulous Freddy" striding out
Jonathan Saull: Racing Colours
Jonathan Saull: Up the hill
Jonathan Saull: Just like an armchair
Jonathan Saull: Lisa and George
Jonathan Saull: The Cob taking off..
Jonathan Saull: Deep in thought
Jonathan Saull: Enjoying retirement
Jonathan Saull: Nosey 'neigh'-bour
Jonathan Saull: Flying the flag
Jonathan Saull: Teamwork
Jonathan Saull: Over the double fence
Jonathan Saull: and over
Jonathan Saull: Reaching
Jonathan Saull: Looking for the next
Jonathan Saull: Shetland Racing.
Jonathan Saull: I think we made it!!