joffathan: flowers
joffathan: flowers
joffathan: brighton pavillion
joffathan: could be any tourist resort....
joffathan: rochester castle
joffathan: john smiths
joffathan: lest we forget....
joffathan: lest we forget......
joffathan: sandblasted comfort
joffathan: line of graves
joffathan: dickens wished to be.... i wish to be prime minister... give me a medal
joffathan: city shield
joffathan: toothy grin !
joffathan: stick em up!
joffathan: jaz band...
joffathan: poser!
joffathan: brighton pavillion
joffathan: economics on a coca cola vending machine
joffathan: pier
joffathan: need i say more..... yummy !
joffathan: family portrait
joffathan: posing again
joffathan: posing...again...again !
joffathan: bricks