Jono 01: Ione enjoys the view
Jono 01: Snorkel trip to the reef
Jono 01: Snorkel trip to the reef
Jono 01: Going in
Jono 01: Back to the surface
Jono 01: Crocodile
Jono 01: Highway
Jono 01: Long road
Jono 01: Leaning lighthouse
Jono 01: Leaning lighthouse
Jono 01: Ione prepares for the reef
Jono 01: 1st dive, slightly shaky
Jono 01: Shade
Jono 01: Brown Pelican
Jono 01: Pier
Jono 01: Early morning Pelicans
Jono 01: Sunrise
Jono 01: Swim
Jono 01: Our street
Jono 01: Scuba school
Jono 01: Se vende
Jono 01: Comida
Jono 01: Our street
Jono 01: Bus ride
Jono 01: Tulum
Jono 01: Ride to the ruins
Jono 01: Iguana
Jono 01: Not impressed by the view at Tulum!
Jono 01: Dive trip