jonmcclintock: Wire coral (Cirrhipathes anguina)
jonmcclintock: Whitetip reef shark, cruising the back wall of Molokini crater (Triaenodon obesus)
jonmcclintock: Crossing the desert
jonmcclintock: Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas)
jonmcclintock: Red swimming crab (Gonioinfradens paucidentata)
jonmcclintock: Commerson's frogfish (Antennarius commerson)
jonmcclintock: Gold-lace nudibranch (Halgerda terramtuentis)
jonmcclintock: P2240034_8_5_7_6.jpg
jonmcclintock: Humpback whale calf and its mother
jonmcclintock: Another one of these shrimp that I can't identify...
jonmcclintock: Orange spotted nudibranch (Triopha catalinae)
jonmcclintock: Stubby squid (Rossia pacifica)
jonmcclintock: A copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) on the cloud sponge
jonmcclintock: Another sculpin. Apparently these things are pretty hard to identify specifically, since they all tend to look alike.
jonmcclintock: Coatimundi
jonmcclintock: Royal gramma (Gramma loreto)
jonmcclintock: A very old loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)
jonmcclintock: I forget the name of this crab, but they like to hang out in the soft corals
jonmcclintock: P5310366_5_4_3_7.jpg
jonmcclintock: P5310593_2_1.jpg
jonmcclintock: P6270045.jpg
jonmcclintock: Left-eye flounder
jonmcclintock: A black-eyed hermit crab, carrying her eggs on her back (Pagurus armatus)
jonmcclintock: Melissa spotted this juvenile Pacific spiny lumpsucker (Eumicrotremus orbis) was only the size of a pea!
jonmcclintock: Dungeness crab (Anthopleura elegantissima) closeup
jonmcclintock: Baby giant pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini)
jonmcclintock: P8130012.jpg
jonmcclintock: P8130282.jpg