jonmcclintock: Eli, our hilarious dive master
jonmcclintock: Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum), sleeping in the reef
jonmcclintock: Trumpetfish
jonmcclintock: Swimming around the reef
jonmcclintock: P5290031.jpg
jonmcclintock: Barrel sponge
jonmcclintock: Scrawled filefish (Aluterus scriptus)
jonmcclintock: A trio of juvenile spotted drum fish (Equetus punctatus)
jonmcclintock: Grouper
jonmcclintock: Scorpionfish! See it?
jonmcclintock: Now do you see the scorpion fish?
jonmcclintock: How about now?
jonmcclintock: Swimming along the reef
jonmcclintock: P5290117.jpg
jonmcclintock: Another flamingo tongue snail (Cyphoma gibbosum) crawling along a coral
jonmcclintock: Sponge cluster
jonmcclintock: A school of blue chromis (Chromis cyanea)
jonmcclintock: Spiny lobster!
jonmcclintock: Triggerfish, cruising along the sandy bottom
jonmcclintock: Outcropping
jonmcclintock: Why do fish always know how much they weigh? Because they have their own scales!
jonmcclintock: Yellow tube sponge
jonmcclintock: Eli, sneaking up on the stingray
jonmcclintock: Not sneaky enough!
jonmcclintock: One last swim over the reef
jonmcclintock: Next stop, Mayan ruins!