jonmcclintock: An approaching nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) on the way down into the Blue Hole.
jonmcclintock: Looking up on the way down from the Blue Hole.
jonmcclintock: Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
jonmcclintock: Spiny lobster!
jonmcclintock: Squirrelfish (Holocentridae)
jonmcclintock: I can see your brain!
jonmcclintock: Floating
jonmcclintock: A southern stingray (Dasyatis americana), I believe
jonmcclintock: Swimming under the cuts
jonmcclintock: Reef topography
jonmcclintock: A very old loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)
jonmcclintock: Reef cut
jonmcclintock: French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
jonmcclintock: Brain coral
jonmcclintock: This grouper kept following us the whole dive
jonmcclintock: Yellow tube sponge
jonmcclintock: Swimming through the cuts
jonmcclintock: Eli found us a hammer head
jonmcclintock: Swimming along the reef
jonmcclintock: Brain coral!
jonmcclintock: Stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) taking a bite out of the reef
jonmcclintock: Soft corals