Crispy Copper: A Grim Hereafter
Crispy Copper: Imminent Disruption of a Nightly Ritual
Crispy Copper: Lucrative Lachrymation
Crispy Copper: Encounter with the Chimney Dwellers
Crispy Copper: His Destiny was Written in the Night Sky
Crispy Copper: A Fatal Confrontation
Crispy Copper: Distorted Recollection of a Dream About Death
Crispy Copper: Expiration
Crispy Copper: Hide and Seek
Crispy Copper: Portrait of a Fiji Merman
Crispy Copper: Welcomed Into the Fold By Other Strange Birds
Crispy Copper: Verdant Graveyard
Crispy Copper: Wings and Talons
Crispy Copper: Just an Observation
Crispy Copper: Trio of Narcoleptic Cats
Crispy Copper: Convening on the Full Moon
Crispy Copper: Caught Snacking
Crispy Copper: Water Orb with Rabbit
Crispy Copper: Man with Ghost Pipe
Crispy Copper: Harbinger of Anxiety
Crispy Copper: The Acquisition
Crispy Copper: Bearded Fowl with Ambiguous Intentions
Crispy Copper: Heraldic Beasts with All-Seeing Orb
Crispy Copper: The pool
Crispy Copper: Disiecta Membra No. 2
Crispy Copper: Out of the Thicket
Crispy Copper: Twilight Green
Crispy Copper: Hijacking on the High Sea
Crispy Copper: Fierce Bouquet
Crispy Copper: Three-Eyed Skull with Unibrow