Crispy Copper: work area
Crispy Copper: work area
Crispy Copper: work area
Crispy Copper: work area
Crispy Copper: work area
Crispy Copper: work area
Crispy Copper: My studio wall (current state)
Crispy Copper: Thumbnail sketch for "Last Man" drawing
Crispy Copper: Martin as a "Green Man" - process
Crispy Copper: comic in progress
Crispy Copper: work table and book piles
Crispy Copper: flipping through sketchbooks
Crispy Copper: pretty clean desk
Crispy Copper: Reawakening of the Long-Departed (process)
Crispy Copper: The Night Visitor (process)
Crispy Copper: The Night Visitor (process)
Crispy Copper: The Night Visitor (framed)
Crispy Copper: Flatcolor gallery work - framed
Crispy Copper: Sketch for "The Idol"
Crispy Copper: Three Shadow People Terrify a Victim During an Episode of Sleep Paralysis - framed
Crispy Copper: An Unlikely Victory (process)
Crispy Copper: Framed pieces for "New Faces"
Crispy Copper: "In Search of a Remedy" (process)
Crispy Copper: "Faraway Swimmingpool" (process)
Crispy Copper: "Shifting Tide Pool" (process)
Crispy Copper: A Malevolent Decree (process)
Crispy Copper: Bespeckled Creature with Feelers (process)
Crispy Copper: Hide and Seek (process)
Crispy Copper: Capture the Flag (process)
Crispy Copper: Evicted (process)