jonerichall: Light Standard dude
jonerichall: Buggy little guy
jonerichall: found at 26th and B
jonerichall: found at 26th and B
jonerichall: seen in Northpark
jonerichall: seen in Northpark
jonerichall: art in Pats window
jonerichall: the alley behind Krakatoa
jonerichall: Familiar
jonerichall: Street Art, Austin
jonerichall: Street Art, Austin
jonerichall: Street Art, Austin
jonerichall: Brooklyn Street Art
jonerichall: Hot Lava
jonerichall: drinker
jonerichall: puppy grafitti
jonerichall: drinker
jonerichall: shadow of robot with baby
jonerichall: robot with baby
jonerichall: robot with baby
jonerichall: Waiting for the 6 train from Astor station
jonerichall: Art at Astor
jonerichall: Art at Astor
jonerichall: Greenwich Village
jonerichall: 28th and B