Jonee..: Spontaneous luncheon
Jonee..: Chocolatey goodness
Jonee..: Getting ready for some late night Playstationing
Jonee..: From the train window
Jonee..: Threadneadle Street
Jonee..: Strand
Jonee..: Out of the light
Jonee..: Sitting outside a pub somewhere in London drinking Guinness
Jonee..: Asleep on the tube
Jonee..: Double shots of Sambuca
Jonee..: Mojito + Pina Colada
Jonee..: Andy
Jonee..: Pub. Somewhere in London.
Jonee..: Queuing for beer
Jonee..: Umbrella
Jonee..: Window shopper
Jonee..: We're all doomed!
Jonee..: Apocalypse from the train window
Jonee..: Annie Leibowitz exhibition, National Portrait Gallery
Jonee..: On the morning I took this,
Jonee..: Gherkin
Jonee..: Bomb on the line
Jonee..: Lloyds of London
Jonee..: Lowdown at Moorgate
Jonee..: London calling
Jonee..: Brompton
Jonee..: wtf?
Jonee..: When you've got to go...
Jonee..: Mojito 2