jon cooney: path through redwoods in the oakland hills
jon cooney: sun through trees in oakland hills
jon cooney: sun through trees in oakland hills
jon cooney: path through redwoods in oakland hills
jon cooney: view of oakland from oakland hills
jon cooney: people dwarfed by the redwoods
jon cooney: lunchtime at tulip graphics with nash and brian
jon cooney: saxaphone and sculpture in Bayer(as in aspirin)Park
jon cooney: what you got for lunch?
jon cooney: Jamaican Soul
jon cooney: Jamaican Soul Restaurant
jon cooney: path along the yuba river, grass valley, california 2003
jon cooney: foggy day and goats walking up the driveway at nichols house, nevada city, california, 2003
jon cooney: Althea
jon cooney: goats munching on grass
jon cooney: my old pick up truck enjoying the fog
jon cooney: car profile
jon cooney: rob nelson in nevada city
jon cooney: rim of old redwood - oakland hills
jon cooney: stoneTing
jon cooney: P1010014
jon cooney: greenhouse in golden gate bridge