JonCombe: Poolewe
JonCombe: Loch Ewe at Poolewe
JonCombe: Loch Ewe at Poolewe
JonCombe: Loch Ewe at Poolewe
JonCombe: Loch Ewe at Poolewe
JonCombe: Loch Ewe
JonCombe: Loch Ewe
JonCombe: Old World War II structure beside Loch Ewe
JonCombe: Loch Ewe
JonCombe: The B8057 north of Poolewe
JonCombe: The B8057 north of Poolewe
JonCombe: Near Naast
JonCombe: Near Naast
JonCombe: Near Naast
JonCombe: Near Midtown
JonCombe: Near Midtown
JonCombe: Near Midtown
JonCombe: Ford near Midtown
JonCombe: Ford near Midtown
JonCombe: Ford near Midtown
JonCombe: Loch Sguod
JonCombe: Loch Sguod
JonCombe: Loch Sguod
JonCombe: Near Midtown
JonCombe: Loch Ceann a'Charnaich
JonCombe: Loch Ceann a'Charnaich
JonCombe: Path near Lochadraing
JonCombe: Loch an Draing
JonCombe: Loch an Draing
JonCombe: Loch an Draing