jonathanjonl: The back row boys and girls
jonathanjonl: Xiaomu connecting the left and right parts of her brain
jonathanjonl: Rich explaining what web 2.0 is anyway
jonathanjonl: Nymphaea putting a spin on it
jonathanjonl: Kara flickering, Anita smiling
jonathanjonl: Kara admiring Anita's skill
jonathanjonl: Jeff doing innovation
jonathanjonl: Heather tells us where to find a cheese steak
jonathanjonl: David in uncharacteristic pose
jonathanjonl: Curt sitting on the windowsill with Tom, Joy & David's left ear
jonathanjonl: Chris presenting S&T Strategy with help from the plant
jonathanjonl: Andrea Kicks Off
jonathanjonl: time to leave :-(
jonathanjonl: Wireless?
jonathanjonl: Wired for Collaboration
jonathanjonl: Who is Heather?
jonathanjonl: What is that Chris guy doing in our photo?
jonathanjonl: View from William Penn Boardroom
jonathanjonl: The Whole Team (almost)
jonathanjonl: Stephan
jonathanjonl: It's over :-(
jonathanjonl: Heather and Tony
jonathanjonl: Gyro-Ring
jonathanjonl: Elsevier Labs
jonathanjonl: Chad relaxes in the bar
jonathanjonl: Andrea checks her blackberry