Jonathan Dacey: fixed camera macro 198
Jonathan Dacey: fixed camera macro 239
Jonathan Dacey: fixed camera macro 242
Jonathan Dacey: untitiled macro 1
Jonathan Dacey: untitiled macro 2
Jonathan Dacey: another day
Jonathan Dacey: aptitude
Jonathan Dacey: you only left yesterday...
Jonathan Dacey: subtle attractions
Jonathan Dacey: featherlight
Jonathan Dacey: 9mm to freedom
Jonathan Dacey: the bending
Jonathan Dacey: passive winter silence
Jonathan Dacey: fluid in motion
Jonathan Dacey: medial symmetry
Jonathan Dacey: cheese burgers and french fries
Jonathan Dacey: tell me things...
Jonathan Dacey: angels and butterflys
Jonathan Dacey: growth, both abstract and physical
Jonathan Dacey: re-establish integrity
Jonathan Dacey: hey bud!
Jonathan Dacey: small beginnings
Jonathan Dacey: thorn in my side
Jonathan Dacey: time brings emptyness
Jonathan Dacey: from past to future
Jonathan Dacey: all good things must come to an end.
Jonathan Dacey: perseverance through experimental disasters
Jonathan Dacey: untitled