JB photographer: A New Era: Hope, change.... or what?
JB photographer: Immediate Armed Response?
JB photographer: Getting the idea across: Obama HQ
JB photographer: A campaign with teeth?
JB photographer: Election enthusiasm, Santa Fe, NM, 2008
JB photographer: Someone's happy! Election Day 2008
JB photographer: Death of Hope, 22 Novemebr 1963: where an inspiring leader was shot
JB photographer: Death of Hope, 22 November 1963: where an inspiring leader was shot
JB photographer: Death of Hope, 22 November 1963: where an inspiring leader was shot
JB photographer: The biggest bank bankruptcy.... till autumn 2008, that was!
JB photographer: Parotting Obama 2
JB photographer: Parotting Obama 1
JB photographer: The abiding image: a message of HOPE
JB photographer: Election messages 2008
JB photographer: Election messages 2008
JB photographer: Ready to celebrate even (just before polls close)
JB photographer: local flavor, Election 2008, Santa Fe
JB photographer: Secrets of success: volunteers for Obama, election day 2008
JB photographer: Secrets of success: volunteers for Obama, election day 2008
JB photographer: Election 2008
JB photographer: Secrets of success: volunteers for Obama 2008
JB photographer: Keeping the Obama tea on message
JB photographer: Secrets of success: volunteers for Obama, election day 2008
JB photographer: The 2008 message of hope
JB photographer: Secrets of success: volunteers for Obama, election day 2008
JB photographer: Secrets of success: volunteers for Obama, election day 2008
JB photographer: Ready to celebrate even (just before polls close)
JB photographer: Voting enthusiasm, Santa Fe 2008
JB photographer: Electing a president early
JB photographer: Secrets of success: volunteers for Obama, election day 2008