JB photographer:
Harvest time: corn fields atop Kentish Downs
JB photographer:
Beach-huts come to life in summer
JB photographer:
a beach and perch to themselves: Kentish seaside summer
JB photographer:
La Herriza wedding shoes at the end of the day
JB photographer:
Colour & Spike: natural flower bouquet growing at La Herriza
JB photographer:
Beautiful, isolated Fairfield Church on Romney Marshes
JB photographer:
views and reflections through the windows
JB photographer:
Beautiful, isolated Fairfield Church on Romney Marshes
JB photographer:
Wading together: avocet with chick under close supervision
JB photographer:
out on its own: fluffy avocet chick at Harty Ferry
JB photographer:
chick reflection: avocet at Harty Ferry
JB photographer:
Avocet flight 7
JB photographer:
Shimmering on the Swale
JB photographer:
proletarian transport in Rome: whoever parked that on the pedestrian crossing?
JB photographer:
Buzz off, says the crow to the Buzzard
JB photographer:
up, up and away: leader of the flight
JB photographer:
A flight of Swans over Oare Marshes
JB photographer:
Mostly white & grey, approaching the shortest day
JB photographer:
Glastonbury Tor in the mist
JB photographer:
JB photographer:
comradeship: swallows at sunset
JB photographer:
House Martins back over Oare Marshes
JB photographer:
mists & shadows before a winter sunset
JB photographer:
Walking on water
JB photographer:
Sharp-eyed & looking for food...
JB photographer:
Aristocratic trot: the straight woodland path from Sharsted Court to the church in Doddington
JB photographer:
another day, another colour: trees emerging from winter dawn
JB photographer:
Leaves & seasons blown away: trees emerging from a winter dawn
JB photographer:
Still trying in late November
JB photographer:
Turning stones by the Harty Ferry jetty: a Turnstone at Oare, Kent