Jon_Aquino: The Annunciation
Jon_Aquino: The Visit of Mary to Elisabeth
Jon_Aquino: The Nativity
Jon_Aquino: Adoration of the Shepherds
Jon_Aquino: Icon of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple
Jon_Aquino: Christ Among the Doctors
Jon_Aquino: The Baptism of Jesus Christ
Jon_Aquino: The Marriage at Cana
Jon_Aquino: Jesus Preaching (“La Tombe”)
Jon_Aquino: Transfiguration
Jon_Aquino: Institution of the Eucharist
Jon_Aquino: Agony in the Garden
Jon_Aquino: Flagellation
Jon_Aquino: Christ Mocked (Crowning with Thorns)
Jon_Aquino: Christ Carrying the Cross
Jon_Aquino: Crucifixion
Jon_Aquino: Pieta
Jon_Aquino: The Resurrection
Jon_Aquino: Supper at Emmaus
Jon_Aquino: Ascension of Christ
Jon_Aquino: Pentecost
Jon_Aquino: Assumption of the Virgin
Jon_Aquino: Madonna del Magnificat
Jon_Aquino: The Last Judgment