-Wat-: Stonehavn Lighthouse - LoR GC VIII
-Wat-: The house with the red door in Braavos
-Wat-: Rebuilding Stonehavn - LoR Garheim LC XXI
-Wat-: Seaside Invasion
-Wat-: The Necromancer's Shrine
-Wat-: Knights Tournament
-Wat-: Jarlof's shack
-Wat-: Japanese Zen Garden
-Wat-: Gálmr's Homestead
-Wat-: Forestmen
-Wat-: The farmer and his wife
-Wat-: "We'll ride with the clouds!"
-Wat-: Brandküste
-Wat-: 9 Kingdoms - Vengeance
-Wat-: 9 Kingdoms - The Spoils of War
-Wat-: The Rainbow Knight
-Wat-: 9 Kingdoms - Downfall of the Dragon
-Wat-: House of the Seer
-Wat-: 9 Kingdoms - Catch the Thief
-Wat-: “Good company, good wine, good welcome can make good people”
-Wat-: Castle Collab - Herzogtum Steinreich
-Wat-: Classic Castle figbarf
-Wat-: Shōgun 将軍