jon pritchard: Day1 - 3 hours in - cars already a mess.
jon pritchard: Dover waiting for the ferry
jon pritchard: . . . still waiting
jon pritchard: . . filling time
jon pritchard: screw waiting - power risers.
jon pritchard: Brussels . . probably
jon pritchard: Ooo a tall building
jon pritchard: some statue
jon pritchard: . . in Brussels . . . in a feild of flags. .
jon pritchard: Monty spontaniously combusts
jon pritchard: cobbles and cables
jon pritchard: a fountain
jon pritchard: some woman taking a picture of the fountain
jon pritchard: Running infront of trams
jon pritchard: what an odd place to leave your house. .
jon pritchard: one of many stops. .
jon pritchard: Dave conquers foreign toilet block.
jon pritchard: . . . and a train
jon pritchard: Dave and James attemp to difuse a bomb.
jon pritchard: we found a beach bar. . .several hundered miles inland . . . it seemed to be lacking something.
jon pritchard: Giant Dave
jon pritchard: Mini James
jon pritchard: Yay - we found Dan and Pearl!