Jon_Marshall: Sweaters the cat
Jon_Marshall: Olive - black lab puppy
Jon_Marshall: Diamond - lab mix
Jon_Marshall: Rigby - Charcoal Sketch
Jon_Marshall: Rachel's Eyes
Jon_Marshall: Charcoal sketch portrait of Lisa Marshall
Jon_Marshall: Charcoal portrait assignment
Jon_Marshall: Drapery assignment - charcoal
Jon_Marshall: Keir in charcoal
Jon_Marshall: Missy - charcoal sketch
Jon_Marshall: Illustration animation
Jon_Marshall: Illustration animation
Jon_Marshall: Pastel drawing of Ben
Jon_Marshall: Lake Chippewa oil painting
Jon_Marshall: Albatrosses
Jon_Marshall: Eagle cover art
Jon_Marshall: Eagle cover art
Jon_Marshall: Bald and golden eagles
Jon_Marshall: Bald and golden eagles
Jon_Marshall: Escape to nature